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TightAV AU-BT413WP-DA-BL | 4x3 Wall Plate Dante Interface with Bluetooth, Black

Etusivu Audiolaitteet Audiotarvikkeet TightAV AU-BT413WP-DA-BL | 4x3 Wall Plate Dante Interface with Bluetooth, Black
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
TightAV AU-BT413WP-DA-BL | 4x3 Wall Plate Dante Interface with Bluetooth,  Black (AU-BT413WP-DA-BL)
TightAV AU-BT413WP-DA-BL | 4x3 Wall Plate Dante Interface with Bluetooth,  Black (AU-BT413WP-DA-BL)
TightAV AU-BT413WP-DA-BL | 4x3 Wall Plate Dante Interface with Bluetooth,  Black (AU-BT413WP-DA-BL)
TightAV AU-BT413WP-DA-BL | 4x3 Wall Plate Dante Interface with Bluetooth,  Black (AU-BT413WP-DA-BL)

TightAV AU-BT413WP-DA-BL | 4x3 Wall Plate Dante Interface with Bluetooth, Black



Featuring bi-directional Bluetooth audio, the interface allows you to transmit two channels of Bluetooth audio onto the Dante network, and simultaneously receive one Dante channel. The paring is as simple as pressing a button on the front panel, and you can give the unit any friendly name you like.

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