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Kindermann Media trolley² Basic - Decor maple -

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Kindermann Media trolley² Basic - Decor maple - (5310MWE200)

Kindermann Media trolley² Basic - Decor maple -


Media trolley² Basic - Decor maple

5310 MWE 200

Mobile and flexible use due to the four soft casters for hard floors, two of them fastening, as well as very stable lateral bracket grips. Front with smooth, lockable roller shutter with stop function to protect from unauthorised access. Revocable rear wall of punched sheet for easy installation and revision of technical components.

Body with bilateral melamine resin laminate and ABS edges, metal parts, powder-coated, RAL 9006 silver, roller shutter silver.


  • Lid with cable feed-through - diameter 80 mm
  • Below: projector compartment 51 x 50 x 16 cm (WxHxD)
  • Left: Extension with push-to-open function, e. g. for laptops etc. (Dimensions: 41 x 38 x 5.5 cm, WxDxH) Right: Extension, e. g. as document deposit or standing area (Dimensions: 35 x 39 cm, LxW)
  • Technical compartment bottom, incl. 1 compartment bottom (Open space: 51 x 38 x 52 cm, WxDxH)
  • Lower right, outside: Preparation for connection covers, Konnect Alu 50 (6 half size plates or 3 full size plates 7444 000 xxx)
  • Dimensions: 110 x 65 x 60 cm (HxWxD)
  • Weight approx. 66 kg

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