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JB Systems MIX 5.2

Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
JB Systems MIX 5.2 (B00119)
JB Systems MIX 5.2 (B00119)
JB Systems MIX 5.2 (B00119)
JB Systems MIX 5.2 (B00119)
JB Systems MIX 5.2 (B00119)
JB Systems MIX 5.2 (B00119)
JB Systems MIX 5.2 (B00119)
JB Systems MIX 5.2 (B00119)

JB Systems MIX 5.2


Mixer with 5 channels and 2 Independent Zones
  • Type Pro AV-laitteet
Euroopan Varastossa (Saatavilla 7 - 10 pv)

  • 2 Independent Zones, each with balanced XLR-output (+unbalanced on cinch)
  • Each zone has 3band tone controls, balance, volume and mono/stereo switch
  • 11 inputs on 5 Channels (5 balanced mic + 4line + 2phono)
  • 1Microphone with 3band tone control and zone assignable adjustable talkover.
  • Every Channel can be assigned to zone A, zone B or both.
  • Every Channel has individual peak and signal present leds.
  • Gain levels and 45mm faders on all channels
  • PFL with rotary selector, cue level adjustment and 6.3mm headphones jack.
  • 2 independent record outputs without Channel1 microphone and free from talkover muting

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