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JB Systems LEDCON-02 Mk2

Etusivu Valot Valotarvikkeet JB Systems LEDCON-02 Mk2
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
JB Systems LEDCON-02 Mk2 (B04660)
JB Systems LEDCON-02 Mk2 (B04660)
JB Systems LEDCON-02 Mk2 (B04660)
JB Systems LEDCON-02 Mk2 (B04660)
JB Systems LEDCON-02 Mk2 (B04660)
JB Systems LEDCON-02 Mk2 (B04660)

JB Systems LEDCON-02 Mk2


Small LED controller, preprogrammed
Euroopan Varastossa (Saatavilla 7 - 10 pv)

  • LEDCON-02 MK2 is an all round LED remote controller with extreme flexibility.
  • LEDCON-02 MK2 has an integrated LED light modulator (switchable: 4 or 8 channels) for all our JB Systems LED-projectors: you can control your LED PAR-projectors exactly the same way you did with your old halogen PAR-lamps when used with a traditional light modulator! But you can also do a lot more...
  • Remote controller for:
    • The complete LED MANAGER range
    • JB Systems LED-projectors
    • Many other projectors with compatible DMX-mode…
  • Different working modes:
    • 4 or 8 channel LED light modulator with integrated, music controlled, chases.
    • Fixed color mode: Instant access to 9 pre-programmed colors with adjustable fade-over time
    • Static chase mode: 12 different color chases with manual speed control
    • Sound chase mode: 12 different color chases with audio triggering
    • Spectrum mix: 32 different spectrum mix colors, including color fades
  • Adjustable speed and dimming with fader
  • Full automatic DMX-address function for up to 120 LED projectors!
  • Blackout and “Full on” function

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