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Etusivu Valot Valot JB Systems ACCU-COMPACT
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JB Systems ACCU-COMPACT (B05148)



Battery uplighter with 5in1 LED and wireless DMX
  • Tyyppi Valo
Euroopan Varastossa (Saatavilla 7 - 10 pv)

  • Battery operated LED-projector, based on 6pcs 10Watt RGBWA-LEDs to avoid unwanted color shadows.
  • Beam angle = 25°
  • Projection angle can be adjusted over 25° (vertical to horizontal).
  • The perfect solution for many applications: parties, special events, mobile DJ’s, ...
  • +/-4hrs use in fading mode on a fully charged battery or +/-10hrs in ECONOMY MODE (reduced light output).
  • Each projector is equipped with a wireless transceiver module (transmitter and receiver) which is 100% compatible with the W-DMX G4-protocol from “Wireless Solution Sweden”.
  • Projector can still be used with empty battery: just connect it to the mains, using the battery charger!
  • Very smooth RGBWA color changes.
  • The battery charger charges the battery while the projector is working on mains power.
  • The projector comes with a frost filter for a larger (40°) beam angle.
  • Different working modes:
    • Standalone: custom colors selectable or automatic and beat synchronized color changes
    • Master/slave mode: wonderful preprogrammed, music synchronized lightshows
    • DMX-controlled : wireless. (5 modes : Ledc-4-5-9-10 channels)
    • Controlled by wireless IR remote control

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