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Hall Technologies All-in-one Conference Speakerphone - All-in-one Conference Speakerphone, WiFi Casting

Etusivu Audiolaitteet Kokousmikrofonit ja kuulokkeet Hall Technologies All-in-one Conference Speakerphone - All-in-one Conference Speakerphone, WiFi Casting
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Hall Technologies All-in-one Conference Speakerphone - All-in-one Conference Speakerphone,  WiFi Casting (HT-ODYSSEY)
Hall Technologies All-in-one Conference Speakerphone - All-in-one Conference Speakerphone,  WiFi Casting (HT-ODYSSEY)
Hall Technologies All-in-one Conference Speakerphone - All-in-one Conference Speakerphone,  WiFi Casting (HT-ODYSSEY)
Hall Technologies All-in-one Conference Speakerphone - All-in-one Conference Speakerphone,  WiFi Casting (HT-ODYSSEY)
Hall Technologies All-in-one Conference Speakerphone - All-in-one Conference Speakerphone,  WiFi Casting (HT-ODYSSEY)
Hall Technologies All-in-one Conference Speakerphone - All-in-one Conference Speakerphone,  WiFi Casting (HT-ODYSSEY)
Hall Technologies All-in-one Conference Speakerphone - All-in-one Conference Speakerphone,  WiFi Casting (HT-ODYSSEY)
Hall Technologies All-in-one Conference Speakerphone - All-in-one Conference Speakerphone,  WiFi Casting (HT-ODYSSEY)

Hall Technologies All-in-one Conference Speakerphone - All-in-one Conference Speakerphone, WiFi Casting


Conference Speakerphone with Video Presentation and BYOD

 All-in-one meeting collaboration with mic, speaker, and video features.
• Powerful and stable BYOD feature for sharing content via Miracast, Smart View, Airplay, and the HT-Voyager.
• Built-in HDBT module allows for 4K video signal extension up to 40m.
• 10W enhanced speaker with crystal sound can be heard anywhere clearly.
• Excellent compatibility for Windows, Mac OS, Android, and UC platform like Zoom, WebEx, Teams, etc.
• Excellent mic array with omni-direction, echo cancellation, and noise reduction.
• Compatible with old and new laptops with a multi-connector cable (Type C and USB 3.0) provided.
• Touch buttons with smart LED indicator for identifying the speaker in any particular direction.
• Auto detects source status to send power on/off command to sync display.
• Auto switching on source detect between USB-C and HDMI and USB 3.0.

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