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Hall Technologies 40 Watt Audio Amp - 40 Watt Audio Amp for 70V or 100V Systems with RS-232 Control

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Hall Technologies 40 Watt Audio Amp - 40 Watt Audio Amp for 70V or 100V Systems with RS-232 Control (AMP-7040)
Hall Technologies 40 Watt Audio Amp - 40 Watt Audio Amp for 70V or 100V Systems with RS-232 Control (AMP-7040)
Hall Technologies 40 Watt Audio Amp - 40 Watt Audio Amp for 70V or 100V Systems with RS-232 Control (AMP-7040)
Hall Technologies 40 Watt Audio Amp - 40 Watt Audio Amp for 70V or 100V Systems with RS-232 Control (AMP-7040)
Hall Technologies 40 Watt Audio Amp - 40 Watt Audio Amp for 70V or 100V Systems with RS-232 Control (AMP-7040)
Hall Technologies 40 Watt Audio Amp - 40 Watt Audio Amp for 70V or 100V Systems with RS-232 Control (AMP-7040)

Hall Technologies 40 Watt Audio Amp - 40 Watt Audio Amp for 70V or 100V Systems with RS-232 Control


40 Watt Audio Amp for 70V or 100V Systems with RS-232 Control

40 Watt Audio Amp for 70V or 100V Systems with RS-232 Control

  • Two stereo analog audio inputs and one digital audio input, selectable by buttons, IR remote, or RS-232
  • MIC port supports balanced or unbalanced signals
  • MIC input supports 48V phantom power, dynamic MIC and wireless MIC
  • Amplified output is switchable between 70V and 100V
  • Mono audio output at 40 watts
  • Supports “Ducking” function

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