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Hall Technologies 4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch - 4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch with Real-time Multiview Modes

Etusivu Kuvan- ja äänensiirto Valitsimet Hall Technologies 4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch - 4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch with Real-time Multiview Modes
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Hall Technologies 4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch - 4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch with Real-time Multiview Modes (SSW-HD-4)
Hall Technologies 4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch - 4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch with Real-time Multiview Modes (SSW-HD-4)
Hall Technologies 4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch - 4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch with Real-time Multiview Modes (SSW-HD-4)
Hall Technologies 4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch - 4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch with Real-time Multiview Modes (SSW-HD-4)

Hall Technologies 4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch - 4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch with Real-time Multiview Modes


4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch with Real-time Multiview Modes

4-Input HDMI Seamless Switch with Real-time Multiview Modes

  • Seamless Switching
  • Pre-configured Multi-view Layouts
  • Control via Front Panel, IR, PC-GUI and RS-232
  • Input and Output Resolutions up to 1080p Full HD
  • HDCP Compliant
  • Includes IR Remote Control

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