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Hall Technologies 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher - 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher, Seamless Switching

Etusivu Kuvan- ja äänensiirto Valitsimet Hall Technologies 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher - 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher, Seamless Switching
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Hall Technologies 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher - 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher, Seamless Switching (EMCEE200)
Hall Technologies 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher - 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher, Seamless Switching (EMCEE200)
Hall Technologies 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher - 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher, Seamless Switching (EMCEE200)
Hall Technologies 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher - 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher, Seamless Switching (EMCEE200)
Hall Technologies 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher - 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher, Seamless Switching (EMCEE200)
Hall Technologies 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher - 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher, Seamless Switching (EMCEE200)

Hall Technologies 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher - 18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher, Seamless Switching


18G 4x2 Presentation Switcher, Seamless Switching

Multiview Presentation Switcher

  • 18G multiview switcher and scaler
  • 4K@60 4:4:4 on all Inputs and Outputs
  • Picture-In-Picture (PIP) and Picture-Over-Picture (POP) with Multiview
  • Recording and 4K Soft Codec Support
  • Dual MIC Mixer
  • Audio Embedding and De-Embedding
  • Confidence and Present Output with Splash Screen Support
  • Built-in WEB Page with IR, RS-232, TCP/IP, and Telnet Control
  • HDBaseT™ 3.0 and Amplifier Plugin Module Support
  • Additional HDBaseT expansion pack available

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