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FORM FORM ALFA-7U560 - 7U 600x560 Affaline wall cabinet

Etusivu Asennustarvikkeet Räkit ja kuljetuslaatikot FORM FORM ALFA-7U560 - 7U 600x560 Affaline wall cabinet
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
FORM FORM ALFA-7U560 - 7U 600x560 Affaline wall cabinet (ALFA-7U560)

FORM FORM ALFA-7U560 - 7U 600x560 Affaline wall cabinet


7U 600x560 Affaline wall cabinet

The front and side covers are openable, lockable and easily removable.

The rear cover is made by high strength 1,5 mm DKP sheet that provides high strength with holes for wall mounting.

Ventilation is provided by cooling units with 1 or 2 fans.

There are three options of depth; 450 mm, 560 mm and 600 mm. Five options of height; 7U, 9U, 12U, 16U and 20U.

There are two mounting profiles in 450 mm depth cabinets and four mounting profiles in 560 mm and 600 mm depth cabinets.

Cabinets have cable entries from 3 different points on the bottom frame, top frame and rear cover.

If required, it can be used as a floor type by attaching a fixed foot or castor.

Painted by impact-resistant, high strength, electrostatic Ral 7035 texture grey color.

All test procedures have been carried out and has ROSH, CE, EN 61587-1 standards.

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