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Dimasa XL- F- 2 - "Trolley, max 95"", 120kg. Motor 1000mm"

Etusivu Telineet Näyttötelineet Näytön lattiatelineet Dimasa XL- F- 2 - "Trolley, max 95"", 120kg. Motor 1000mm"
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Dimasa XL- F- 2 - "Trolley, max 95"", 120kg. Motor 1000mm" (FTXL2-1000)
Dimasa XL- F- 2 - "Trolley, max 95"", 120kg. Motor 1000mm" (FTXL2-1000)
Dimasa XL- F- 2 - "Trolley, max 95"", 120kg. Motor 1000mm" (FTXL2-1000)
Dimasa XL- F- 2 - "Trolley, max 95"", 120kg. Motor 1000mm" (FTXL2-1000)
Dimasa XL- F- 2 - "Trolley, max 95"", 120kg. Motor 1000mm" (FTXL2-1000)
Dimasa XL- F- 2 - "Trolley, max 95"", 120kg. Motor 1000mm" (FTXL2-1000)

Dimasa XL- F- 2 - "Trolley, max 95"", 120kg. Motor 1000mm"


Trolley, max 95", 120kg. Motor 1000mm

XL-F2 is a motorised mobile floor stand for 55”- 110” displays up to 120 Kgs of weight with 1 meter electrical height adjustment; motor based on 2 lifting columns system with a built-in anticollision function that stops motor automatically when it finds any type of obstacle during the up and down travel.

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