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Dimasa MIMI MOT - "Trolley table, max. 95"", 100kg. Motor 650mm motorize tilt "

Etusivu Telineet Näyttötelineet Näytön lattiatelineet Dimasa MIMI MOT - "Trolley table, max. 95"", 100kg. Motor 650mm motorize tilt "
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Dimasa MIMI MOT - "Trolley table, max. 95"", 100kg. Motor 650mm motorize tilt " (MT2-650-100)
Dimasa MIMI MOT - "Trolley table, max. 95"", 100kg. Motor 650mm motorize tilt " (MT2-650-100)
Dimasa MIMI MOT - "Trolley table, max. 95"", 100kg. Motor 650mm motorize tilt " (MT2-650-100)
Dimasa MIMI MOT - "Trolley table, max. 95"", 100kg. Motor 650mm motorize tilt " (MT2-650-100)
Dimasa MIMI MOT - "Trolley table, max. 95"", 100kg. Motor 650mm motorize tilt " (MT2-650-100)
Dimasa MIMI MOT - "Trolley table, max. 95"", 100kg. Motor 650mm motorize tilt " (MT2-650-100)
Dimasa MIMI MOT - "Trolley table, max. 95"", 100kg. Motor 650mm motorize tilt " (MT2-650-100)
Dimasa MIMI MOT - "Trolley table, max. 95"", 100kg. Motor 650mm motorize tilt " (MT2-650-100)

Dimasa MIMI MOT - "Trolley table, max. 95"", 100kg. Motor 650mm motorize tilt "


Trolley table, max. 95", 100kg. Motor 650mm motorize tilt

Display MIMI MOT tilt table is a motorised mobile floor stand cart with motorised tilting adjustment for 46-95” displays and up to 100 Kgs of weight, and 650mm electrical height adjustment (2 lifting columns motor system with optional anticollision security function). Tilt function allows any display position between vertical and horizontal (to be used as a table). The table includes 2 motor systems: a pair of lifting columns for height adjustment and a linear actuator for the tilt function.

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