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Dimasa MI BOTTOM SHELF - Bottom shelf for A/V accessories (compatible with STANDARD, MINI, XL & FLEX rang

Etusivu Telineet Näyttötelineet Näyttötelineiden tarvikkeet Dimasa MI BOTTOM SHELF - Bottom shelf for A/V accessories (compatible with STANDARD, MINI, XL & FLEX rang
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Dimasa MI BOTTOM SHELF - Bottom shelf for A/V accessories (compatible with STANDARD, MINI, XL & FLEX rang (MBT-000)
Dimasa MI BOTTOM SHELF - Bottom shelf for A/V accessories (compatible with STANDARD, MINI, XL & FLEX rang (MBT-000)
Dimasa MI BOTTOM SHELF - Bottom shelf for A/V accessories (compatible with STANDARD, MINI, XL & FLEX rang (MBT-000)
Dimasa MI BOTTOM SHELF - Bottom shelf for A/V accessories (compatible with STANDARD, MINI, XL & FLEX rang (MBT-000)
Dimasa MI BOTTOM SHELF - Bottom shelf for A/V accessories (compatible with STANDARD, MINI, XL & FLEX rang (MBT-000)
Dimasa MI BOTTOM SHELF - Bottom shelf for A/V accessories (compatible with STANDARD, MINI, XL & FLEX rang (MBT-000)

Dimasa MI BOTTOM SHELF - Bottom shelf for A/V accessories (compatible with STANDARD, MINI, XL & FLEX rang


Bottom shelf for A/V accessories (compatible with STANDARD, MINI, XL & FLEX rang

MI BOTTOM SHELF just below display for the use of a camera, videoconference códec, DVD, mini PC or any other small device used in the installation. Moves up and down with display when motor works. Height adjustment allows to install shelf just below display independently of its size.

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