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Briteq LD-1024TOUCH

Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Briteq LD-1024TOUCH (B05035)

Briteq LD-1024TOUCH


DMX interface 1024ch & 16 Artnet universes
Euroopan Varastossa (Saatavilla 7 - 10 pv)

  • Thin wall mount DMX interface with a visually intuitive touch-sensitive glass panel.
  • Fits in the standard European, American and Asian wall mount boxes.
  • 1024 DMX Channels in Stand Alone (4Mb  internal memory + SD card expansion slot).
  • Direct access to:
    • 5 zones with 8 programs each = 40 programs max.
    • 5 different programs can run simultaneously (1 of each zone)
    • Program speed control
    • Dimming
    • Manual Color override for LED projectors (RGB / RGBWA-UV / cold W & warm W / CCT)
  • Build-in Clock & calendar for automatic triggering of programs (hour, day, week, month, year).
  • Equipped with smart contacts for external triggering of programs.
  • 32 units can be linked in a master/slave configuration.
  • Works with the Chromateq Led Player, Pro DMX and the Pixxem software (included).
  • USB-C cable included.
  • An optional external infra-red receiver can be connected to the unit (LD-512Kit-IR = IR receiver + 2 remote controllers).

For more information about the software: www.chromateq.com

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