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Briteq DS125-RDM

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Briteq DS125-RDM (B05039)

Briteq DS125-RDM


DMX-splitter with RDM 1in/2out XLR5p + TRUE1
Euroopan Varastossa (Saatavilla 7 - 10 pv)

  • The perfect solution for many DMX-line problems: this compact DMX-splitter divides any DMX-chain in 2 separate lines that will not interfere with each other. Problems on 1 line will not influence the other line!
  • Maximum security, thanks to complete galvanic isolation between all DMX in/outputs
  • 100% RDM compatible for bidirectional DMX-communication
  • The booster function makes your DMX-installation more reliable and flexible to set up
  • Specially designed for professionals:
    • Small size: can be hidden anywhere
    • Very robust construction: perfect for the rental applications
    • Can be fitted with any standard truss clamp with M10 thread: easy truss installation
  • Adapted for use with HILEC® COMBI-cables (combined power + DMX)!
  • Connections:
    • 1 input: DMX 5pin (+ DMX pass-through) & 16A PowerCON TRUE1-compliant Seetronic® connector
    • 2 outputs, each with: DMX 5pin + 16A PowerCON TRUE1-compliant Seetronic® connector
  • There is also a model (DS123-RDM) equipped with 16A PowerCON-compliant and XLR 3pin connectors
  • Power + signal present indicators
  • Internal power supply 100-240Vac

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