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Briteq BT-CHROMA 800 - 1x40 beam

Etusivu Valot Valot Briteq BT-CHROMA 800 - 1x40 beam
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Briteq BT-CHROMA 800 - 1x40 beam (B05553)

Briteq BT-CHROMA 800 - 1x40 beam


Beam shaper for BT-CHROMA 800: changes the standard beam to 1° horizontal x 40° vertical
Euroopan Varastossa (Saatavilla 7 - 10 pv)

  • This optional filter for the BT-CHROMA 800 changes the standard beam to 1° horizontal x 40° vertical.
  • This allows the BT-CHROMA 800's beam to be easily adjusted for illuminating narrow and tall vertical objects such as columns, trees, statues, ...
  • Other beam shapers are also available, see associated products.
  • This filter is supplied without a filter frame:
    • For fixed installations, the filter can be easily mounted in the standard supplied frame and screwed to the projector.
    • For rental applications, the filter can be mounted in an optional "BT-CHROMA 800 - Filter frame" (order code: B05549) and magnetically attached to the projector.

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