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Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2

Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2 (H10983)
Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2 (H10983)
Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2 (H10983)
Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2 (H10983)
Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2 (H10983)
Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2 (H10983)
Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2 (H10983)
Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2 (H10983)
Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2 (H10983)
Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2 (H10983)
Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2 (H10983)
Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2 (H10983)
Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2 (H10983)
Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2 (H10983)

Audiophony CR80A-COMBO MK2


Bluetooth® 80W battery-powered portable sound system with USB reader and UHF microphone - 800MHz range

  • The CR80A-COMBO MK2 is a powerful all-in-one sound system producing a high-quality sound output, adapted to any mobile installation.
  • It features a USB reader, a Bluetooth® receiver, one UHF handheld microphone and a mixer allowing you to plug one extra microphone and an external source.
  • In brief:  it is complete, powerful, and easy to use.
  • Light and compact, it can also be battery-operated thanks to its built-in Lithium battery.
  • All-in-one solution
  • High performance and sound quality
  • Media player and 1 UHF microphone with 8 channels
  • Light, powerful and reliable Lithium battery
  • Supplied with 1 UHF handheld microphone

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